
Showing posts from September, 2017

POST 8 - Mise-en-scene Making an Original Still Image Task

Mise En Scene Costume ; we have tried to make sure that the important character was dressed in pink to them as an outsider as the others are wearing black. This emphasises her importance in the film before the audience even seeing any footage. Setting ; we have set our film photo in a classroom as our film is about a girl who joins a new, suspicious school. This film is set in the current 21st century 

POST 7 - Evaluation Blog

Sorry for the poor quality, it was filmed on our laptop.

POST 6 - Final Cut


POST 5 - Editing Process

To edit our first film we used IMovie as both me and Mimi (editor #2) have used it before, the use of basic editing of cropping and working with audio allowed us to create an interesting final cut. We also used some YouTube tutorials to help us.  Even though, we had quite a lot of experience with this software as we have edited videos in the past, we used this youtube video to help enhance our skills and knowledge with IMovie.

POST 4 - Production Compsny Logo

group name : sisterhood productions We looked at quite a few different names to use for our group and we ended up with sisterhood productions because we felt that it suited our group since we had known each other for so long. Our ideas were all quite simple form the beginning, but we had to check that ‘sisterhood productions’ didn't already exist, and we found that we didn't so we were really happy with the name. For the logo, we wanted the title to relate with the image but we weren't really sure how we could do this and still make the logo look professional, so we chose to only use simple shapes and make the text stand out, instead of creating an image that looks doesn't look like a film production company. In our final design, we decided to use two simple colours that would stand out to make the logo bolder and therefore easier to recognise, we experimented with different shapes and coloured backgrounds to see which ones worked well together and then

POST 3 - Opening Task Planning Continued...

Casting : The Mum - the mum begins the video off by explaining the superstition of the video : if you smash  a mirror, you'll get 7 years bad luck. Our team wanted to keep the video realistic, and therefore, this is why this explanation has come from a motherly figure as we felt that this would happen in a day to day life. The Young Girl - at the beginning of the video, the little girl hears her mum telling her about the mirror, however, she did not listen. Then, years on, the girl smashes the mirror and realises she should've listened to her mum after all. we chose to do a video of the girl making mistakes because we feel that many children the child's age can relate to her. Doing this, allows the audience/ viewers to engage in the video. The Stranger - the stranger has a very small part to play in this video. they represent the majority of the youth population: independent and technology orientated. It also emphasises the fact that, its not

POST 2 - Opening Task Planning

We are using the question ‘why are superstitions a thing?’ to create a 2 minute film. This is our first project and we are hoping to experiment and learn new skills and try out things we haven't done before.  In our film, the mum tells a young girl a very popular superstition of where if you break a mirror, you get 7 years bad luck. In the next scenes of the film, she breaks a mirror because the salon messed up the girls eyebrows.  After, she receives a lot of bad luck like being pooped on by a bird, cracking your phone and stepping out in front of a car by accident. The film will end on a black screen which will leave to the audience's imagination what happened to this young girl. We chose this topic because we all know of these superstitions and they have been around for a very long time but we have no idea when or why they were created or even by who. It’s just something that we have all grown up with and our parents have grown up with and whether you believe or no

POST 1 - Opening Task Introduced

        For our first film in media studies we had to use either a nursery rhyme or questions with no answers, to be a plot/narrative of our film. It also had to last for 2 minutes, so when making our storyboard we had to consider the timing of each frame. Initial ideas: We chose to not use a nursery rhyme, so our initial questions were - If you punched yourself and it hurt, are you strong or are you weak? Are the stripes on a zebra black or white? How are new superstitions created? Why do parents say 'Don't pull ugly faces in the wind or they'll be stuck that way'? If you get out of the shower clean, then how does your towel get dirty? Is the sand called the sand because it is in between sea and land? Our top 2: the ugly faces in the wind and superstitions. The initial plot for our first question had been to use a young boy being scolded by his mother, and would eventually grow up with the ugly faces that he made in the wind as a boy. However because of ou


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